Important Dates in June
Event |
Tuesday 6th/Wednesday 7th |
Y13/14 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition / overnight camp
Tuesday 13th
P5/ 6 Mr Totten, P7 Mrs Derrick, P7 Mrs Kania-Gunning, SCU 6/7 Mr Bell Sports Morning (10am – 11.30am) PARENTS INVITED |
Wednesday 14th |
P4 Mrs Thompson, P4-6 Miss McNeilly Sports Morning (10am – 11.30 am) PARENTS INVITED |
Thursday 15th |
P3 Miss Royle, P3 Mrs Caughey, P4 Mrs Dunne, P4-5 Miss Warrington P5-6 Mr McKeown Sports Morning (10am – 11.30 am) PARENTS INVITED |
Friday 16th |
P1 Miss Skeats, P1 Mrs Massey, P2 Miss Breen, P2 Mrs McKeag Sports Morning (10am – 11.30 am) PARENTS INVITED |
Friday 16th |
Year 12 Graduation & Celebration of Success Y12 PARENTS INVITED |
Friday 16th |
Last day at school for Y14 pupils |
Friday 16th |
Year 13/ 14 Formal Dinner and celebrations at Stormont Buildings 6.30-11pm PARENTS INVITED |
Monday 19th |
P7/SCU 7 Primary Leavers Graduation & Celebration of Success PARENTS INVITED |
Tuesday 20th |
P7/ SCU6-7 End of year trip to W5 |
Thursday 22nd/ Friday 23rd |
Secondary (Y8-Y14) Greenhill Outdoor Pursuits and Residential
Thursday 22nd |
Nursery Graduation “stay and play” PARENTS INVITED Morning Nursery 10am/ Afternoon Nursery 1pm |
Tuesday 27th |
Secondary House Cup Sports Challenge Day PUPILS ONLY/NO PARENTS |
Wednesday 28th |
End of term activity fun day for all pupils
Thursday 29th |
Last day of school for Nursery pupils
Friday 30th |
Last day of term / start of summer holidays. School finishes at 11.30am. (EA transport available) |