
School Logo

Lynsey's Class

Hello and welcome to our fun and lively class! We are a group of 2 lovely girls and 3 brilliant boys, aged 10 and 11 years old. We are so lucky to have 2 amazing assistants; Joanne and Ben, who together with our teacher Lynsey, meet us every morning with love, enthusiasm and fun for the day ahead! In our room, we prioritise building trusting relationships, by adopting a child lead approach, which allows our pupils to learn at their own pace. We learn best when engaging in fun and explorative sensory learning and play, so don't forget to pop back throughout the year to see what we have been getting up to!

November highlights! A fun filled and busy month that has included 2 birthday parties 🥳, a trip in to Donaghadee and lots of sensory exploration, learning about Remembrance Day, Guy Fawkes and Children in Need.

October highlights 🎃🍁🍂. A fantastic first half term!

A busy start to the school year! We have had fun learning about our likes and dislikes, as well as exploring the sounds and sights of Autumn 🍁🍂. We have also enjoyed a trip to the commons and Mrs Browns farm 😊.
