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Cathy's Class

We moved to our new classroom in November. The children love the space and the free flow environment to our outdoor area and quiet room.

Welcome to our P4 class and thank you for popping in to see who we are and what we do. We have a busy little room with 8 children, class teacher Mrs McManus, and our wonderful assistants; Mrs Bell, Miss Maine and Miss Green. 


Above all else, the ethos of our classroom endeavors to provide a nurturing environment where our children feel safe, respected in their choices and comfortable to be who they are. We spend invaluable time building strong connections, paving the way to endless learning opportunities. 


Our children have a range of needs, making them wonderfully unique and individual, and we are delighted to have the opportunity to support and empower them as they travel along this part of their journey. Building communication, independence, creativity, social skills, physical wellbeing and cognition are some of the key areas we focus on.


We love to get practical with our learning and use every opportunity to use real life equipment/ resources and explore our local areas to develop skills that equip our children for their future and set them up for success.


Together, with our families, we strive to ensure our children are happy in their learning and go home smiling at the end of a school day.


“A hero is an ordinary person who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles”. Christopher Reeve

February highlights

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Our new topic is ‘Shopping’, and it started off with using the coins from our class wallet to purchase lots of fun items from our KHS Bring and Buy Sale! We filled our boots with new games and classroom resources. We also have our very own pop up Tesco’s in our classroom, where the children are practicing money skills and earning stars on their Tesco Clubcard! Other learning areas this month have included; making smoothies, learning to play Duck, Duck, Goose and large scale colour exploration. Well done P4!

February highlights!

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💕 February can’t go by without hearts and “I love you” 💕. We decorated cards for someone special, explored why we love them on our communication device and baked Love Brownies 🧑‍🍳.

Walled Garden trip.

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We had a great day out to the Walled Garden. Always dodging the rain...but it doesn’t stop the fun when we are suited and booted ☔️.

Chilly toes and icy nose in January.

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We were so lucky to have snow on our return to school in the New Year! Perfect for our Winter and Ice topic. We have had lots of fun exploring ice and all the different ways it can melt, and thinking about what we need to keep our icy toes and chilly noses nice and warm.

Christmas in P4

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Now that Autumn has arrived, we are enjoying activities about our little spikey friends.

We found some lovely ladybugs in our sensory garden and nearly all the children were brave enough to have a little hold.

We have lots of little book worms in our class. Peppa Pig is one of our favourites!

We love to get outdoors to our outside classroom. Our car track is lots of fun!

We have been learning about being more independent. September was all about learning how to prepare our own breakfast in the HE room.

September highlights

We hope to nurse a newly planted bulbs all the way to spring!
