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P5 T/McM

Hello, welcome to the class page for P5 Thompson/ McManus  


In this room we hold the belief that children won't learn from people they don't like. That is why our primary focus is to build relationships with the children in our class, we spend as much quality time with them as possible and we learn what motivates and inspires them. Then we work on learning. 


In planning learning activities we work collaboratively with parents- we listen to the information that parents share with us and the areas that parents feel are priorities as we want to make sure that everything we are teaching can be applied to help the children in our class live a happier and more independent life outside of school. 


A huge focus in our classroom is communication, that is why we adapt a "total communication approach." The total communication approach means we use a combination of methods so that the  children in our class can communicate in the way that is most meaningful to them. Some of the strategies we use to try and improve communication are; intensive interaction, attention autism, objects/pictures/symbols of reference, makaton, PECs, talkabout books and visual timetables/ job aids to name a few. 


Our class team feel very privileged to be entrusted with your children and in our class you can be sure that the needs of your child will always come first. 

Our class

June highlight: We have loved having the opportunity to do more outside learning and exploration this month.

May highlight: This month our topic has been "supermarket sweep" we have learned how to buy groceries online and in real shops. We had our "big banquet" to celebrate the end of this topic and all the hard work we have put into our independence lessons through the year. Pupils had to select their favourite recipes from the year to order a 2 course lunch and then created a visual shopping list of the ingredients they would need for their recipes. We then walked to the shop and bought our ingredients ready to cook later in the week. On our "big banquet" day we set the table, made our own juice, made the recipes and ate together in our party outfits. Everyone put in so much effort and we are so proud of the progress they have made! We have also really enjoyed our trips to the ark farm and the beach this month.
