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KS3 Friday Activities

Friday Life Skills Year 10 07/06/2024

Week 3/6/24 Yr9 Life Skills

31st May


Friday life skills 

Week 28/5/24 Yr9 Life Skills Friday

Week 20/5/24 Yr9

Friday Life Skills Year 10 24/05/2024

Uploaded by M NELSON on 2024-05-24.

Friday life skills in year 8/9/10 


24th May

Friday Life Skills Year 10 17/05/2024

17th May


Today some of our friends from year 9 joined us for Friday life skills. It was even more fun than usual! 

Week 13/5/24 Yr8

Friday Life Skills Year 10 10/05/2024

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Friday life skills in year 8/9/10 (10th May). 

Friday life skills in year 8/9/10 (3rd May). 

Year 10 Life Skills 26/04/2024

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Friday life skills in yr 8/9/10 (26th April)


Learning to ride bikes, doing laundry, making soup and more…..

Week 22/4/24 Yr9 Action packed Friday!

Week 14/4/24 Yr9 Life Skills

Year 10 Friday Life Skills 19/04/2024

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Year 10 Friday Life Skills 12/4/2024

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11/4/24 Yr9 Horticulture

Friday Life Skills 15/03/2024

Week 11/3/24 Easter Nests

Week 8/3/24 Yr9 Shopping Task

8th March

Year 8/9/10


Today we went to the outdoor classroom, where we listened to a story about growing. Then we went to the sensory garden to do some planting. We will take care of our seeds for the next few weeks and will watch them as they grow 🌸💐🌹

Year 10 Life Skills 1/03/2024

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Year 9 made a shopping list for afternoon treats and we made yummy chips today 🤩🎉👍

Year 10 Life Skills 23/02/2024

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23rd February Friday life skills


Today Miss Lowry helped us with our cutting skills, first practicing on play dough before making hassle-back potatoes. They were delicious so it was a great success. On Fridays we will be doing horticulture so today we learnt about the parts of a flower and what plants need to grow and survive. 

Week 19/2/24 Hassleback potatoes

Year 10 Life Skills 9/2/2024

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Week 5/2/24 Yr9 Lifeskills

Year 10 Life Skills 2/2/2024

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Week 29/1/24 Yr9 Life Skills Friday