
School Logo


Hello and welcome to our page! We are a year 6/7 class, consisting of 3 super boys and 2 lovely girls. We are a fun and lively bunch who enjoy learning through outdoor play, music & movement and sensory art, as well as 1:1 work which we use as time to work on our individual targets. 

Communication is a key focus area in our class. This is why we adopt a ‘whole communication approach’ which includes, pecs, makaton, visual schedules, core boards, communication books and speech devices. 

In our room, we believe in the benefits of a ‘child centred approach’ working in partnership with our pupils and their families to tailor the curriculum to best meet their individual needs. 

Don’t forget to call back to our page throughout the year to see the fun and exciting things we will be getting up to!!

Lots of fun and exciting trips and activities in the month of May! We had a trip to the farm, as well as a lovely morning at Portavogie beach and park. We have also been working hard on our ‘shape and space’ topic, learning how to make pastry rolls in H.E, and planting our sunflower seeds 🌻.
